So most people's praises are sung only AFTER they die. But I want to sing my husband's praises today. He is my best friend and he is the greatest thing in my life.
So here are some things I know and love about Jurm:
He is a great writer. Once he wrote a script and placed in a screenwriting contest without really trying. A couple of random guys even wanted to buy his script from him and actually make his movie.
He's really funny. He makes me laugh all of the time. We have little inside jokes and can just look at each other and know that something is funny. His laugh is really good. Without his laugh I would be very sad in all of my days and nights.
He's so smart. He knows everything. What he says is gospel to me. And if he doesn't know something, I assume that it wasn't worth knowing anyway.
He calls me baby or sweetie. If he calls me Marie, I know he is mad or annoyed with me. I don't like it when he calls me Marie.
He can play guitar. Give him any song and he can learn it in 10 minutes just by ear.
Despite my protests, he is losing his hair.
He likes to eat in an orderly fashion. He has to have everything laid out perfectly and does not like to be disturbed. If you threaten to take his food, he gets very aggravated. It's best to leave him alone, but I sometimes like to reach into his bag of chips just to watch him squirm.
He is terrible with directions. When we go into a store at the mall he will ALWAYS forget which direction we came from when we leave that store.
He works out A LOT. He likes to run and he is very dedicated to staying fit. If he misses a workout you can just tell that he feels bad about it.
He loves my feet. He likes the part of my foot where my ankle meets the top of my foot. He sometimes says he wants to bite my big toe and I will let him...occasionally.
He calls me pretty a lot. He tells me I am cute. He tells me he wants to cuddle with me. He tells me he loves me all the time.
I have only seen him cry 3 or 4 times. Each time it is heartbreaking.
Even when we have spent too much time together and it would be best for us to spend some time apart, I do not want to. I always miss him. Always...even if we are arguing about something.
He is who I want to be the father of my children. Plain and simple. I want him as my children's daddy. I want to give him that experience. I want it to be from me.
He knows all of my "voices" and accepts them. I even made up a voice just for him. Doing my Jurm voice makes me happy. He seems to like it too, although to the outsider it may be quite sickening.
He lets me sing in the car and never gets annoyed with it (or if he does, he keeps it to himself.)
So there are some things I know about Jurm. He is my constant and I love him.