I actually think my work is going to let me work part-time. I actually think I am going to get to stay home with Jane 2 days out of the week and that she will not need a sitter to watch her, but have family watch her
every day of the week.
Since my last post, I have been trying my hardest to reduce our monthly expenses. I got our car/homeowner's insurance down by like $90/mo. We are refinancing our house (MAYBE, if the appraisal goes through), etc. etc. Just trying to cut costs down as far as we can get them. Well, even after all of that we still probably would not be able to make it on my DH's income alone, when I realized this week that when 2 of our lightbulbs went out we had already gone over my "let's pretend I am not working budget" and couldn't even afford a package of lightbulbs on DH's income alone.
As I had mentioned, I was thinking about working part-time but I thought that my work would totally not be for that. Well, I told my supervisor I was going to quit or that I'd be willing to work part-time. (I was halfway bluffing about quitting). He totally freaked out, went to our boss and told him, then our boss went to the CEO and now I am probably going to be able to work part-time AND THEY ARE GIVING ME A $10/hr RAISE. This means I will be working 3 days a week and not even losing that much money. I will lose my benefits, but I can totally deal with that. Now I will be able to afford health insurance through my husband's work.
I am not 100% sure that this is "final" but it seems like they are going to let me. This means I will get the best of both worlds: working and keeping my foot in the door (career-wise) and also staying home with Jane more than 50% of the week.
If this goes through I can avoid sending Jane to a sitter. My mom will continue to watch her 2 days a week, I will watch her 2 days and Jeremy will watch her 1 day after changing his schedule to 4-day weeks.
I am thrilled beyond belief. And also a little stunned. My luck just doesn't stop! If this happens, I seriously feel as though I have the best situation of any mommy out there EVER. I hate to boast, but I do have a seriously charmed life. ;)
Now please, please, please let this all be FINAL this week so I can start bragging to all of my friends. :-P