Monday, June 22, 2009

Back to work. :(

I go back to work July 1 and I am getting more and more depressed about it as the days go by. Right now I am doing a little bit of work from home and even when I spend 2 hours away from Jane (mentally...physically she is in the other room) I feel like the worst mother in the world. It's like when I am not thinking of her and I come back to her I feel so GUILTY for not being "there" for her. How in the world am I going to go back to work? I keep thinking that once she gets a little older, her bedtime will be like 8 or 9, which means I will only see her a total of 3-4 hours a day. That's just ridiculous. I don't know if I can stand it!

The thought of her first laughter, walk, crawl, etc. away from me just BREAKS MY HEART. How can I leave this precious face?