Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday, 6/16/11

Grandma is still on vacation.  Here is my e-mail to her tonight:

Jane was so sweet this evening. She was in such a good, HAPPY mood. We clipped the end of her second to last tucky. She got the sad face and cried a little but we threw it away together and she didn't ask for it while we were in bed!

She's listening to the stories in books more now. We have been reading Baby Dear and she requests it by name. "Mommy we read Baby Dear now?" She really likes it.

Our goodnight routine took about an hour but it was so funny to just sit and listen to her. She was so happily wound up. She would sing different songs, "if you're sad say boo hoo. BOO HOO! if you're happy say hooray. HOORAY!" The way she says "round and round" for wheels on the bus is UH-doe-bul! She even does the hand motions to match. She was just jabbering and singing away and oh she melts my heart. At one point when she knew I was getting serious about going to sleep she started falling asleep too. I noticed her eyes opening and closing and I couldn't help myself so I kissed her right on the mouth/cheek. After that she did it to ME about 2-3 times, very shyly (or slyly) waving at me. She fell asleep shortly after that.

OH my goodness I am so in love with this beautiful, happy little girl.

She told me tomorrow that she didn't want me to stay home with her, but she wanted to go to Miss Marie's. :)

She also told us that she had to go to timeout today but we can't figure out what for. Lol. She could be making that up, but I don't know.

She's the happiest kid on the block for sure. And I am the happiest mommy.

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