Friday, September 18, 2009

On the brink of a meltdown

I don't know if I have posted about Jane's sleeping habits before, but my daughter does not sleep. It's killing me. I haven't gotten 3 hours of consecutive sleep in 12 weeks. The best I can hope for now is 2 hours in a row, and that is a good night (last night was NOT a good night).

I don't know what to do but I am close to a nervous breakdown over this. I need my sleep and I am not getting it. As a result, my immune system is pretty much shutting down. I just got mastitis for the second time this month. I haven't been taking care of myself like I should be simply because I am too tired.

How is one supposed to function on 2-3 hours of sleep per night?

There are no answers. My child is a super hero and her great power is not requiring sleep.
That being said, I love her dearly and when she looks at me in the middle of the night with her beautiful eyes and smiles and coos at me I can't help but die a little every time. She is the love of my life, despite it all.

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