Friday, December 19, 2008

It's a WHAT?!

My instincts were dead wrong. I am having a baby GIRL!!! Clear as day, she has a labia. No baby penises for me, which is just as well because quite frankly, they kind of freak me out.


So for now, we have a baby Jane, although name isn't set in stone. I am really excited and still kind of stunned.

I am just grateful that she is measuring right on target and looks like a healthy baby should at this point. She weighs 15 ounces. We got to see her yawn on the ultrasound, although I wouldn't have recognized it as that had the u/s tech not told us. We didn't get any good ultrasound pics because her little butt was right up behind my belly button and she wouldn't flip right. But she sure is moving around right now.

I am very grateful to be experiencing this. I love being pregnant.

1 comment:

Mommy Boots (formerly KarmaPearl) said...

HOORAY!!!! Yay for little baby girls! Congrats Marie!