Thursday, December 18, 2008

The BIG day

So I was supposed to get my big ultrasound on Tuesday, the 16th. It didn't happen. We happened to get a snow/ice storm the night before and my ob-gyn's office was closed on Tuesday. CLOSED. I was absolutely heartbroken/depressed/crushed all day on Tuesday. I cried the whole day. I had so been looking forward to that day and counting down to it. Nothing could console me.

Luckily, they rescheduled me for today at 2:30. So that leaves me roughly 2.5 hours until I get to finally find out what kind of baby I am having. I am so nervous. My main concern now is that they are going to tell me that the baby isn't healthy or isn't measuring according to where it should be around this time. My second concern is that this baby is going to keep its legs crossed the whole time and we won't be able to get the "money shot".

But oh I can't believe that in just a short time from now I might know what I am having. That will make this so much more real to me. I will finally be able to start calling the baby she/he and even give them a name! I will know if baby is growing according to plan and I will finally be able to start shopping for baby stuff. I might even relax for a week or so and stop worrying about every little twinge I get.

This is so exciting and yet terrifying at the same time!!! I can't wait. I just cannot WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Mommy Boots (formerly KarmaPearl) said...

OMG Marie I'm dying here. I've been wondering about you, I was going to comment on a blog entry of yours just to see how you were doing!

I hope you post soon! Now I'm dying to know if you're carrying a little boy or a little girl!!!!!!!