Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Panty Confessions

I am in desperate need of new underwear.  In fact, my underwear drawer has always been a bit...childish, I guess.  I have never been a lingerie type of girl.  I can't wear fancy underwear thanks to my huge and, quite honestly, ugly ass.  It's too uncomfortable.  Whoever said thongs were comfortable is on crack.  They are NOT comfortable.  They are a 24/7 wedgie!  I have never owned lingerie, as my husband has never shown any interest in it (he's a t-shirt and panties kind of guy I guess...and you can't blame him, he's got ME to work with).  I own three bras.  Four if you count the uncomfortable nursing bra I never wear.  Two of those bras are the most basic harness contraptions you have ever seen...yes, they are nursing bras.  My panties are basically the 4-pack of Hanes.  Five if you're lucky and get the "1 free" packages.  During my pregnancy I never bothered to wear any pantyliners (ew!) and post-pregnancy...well, if I am having a light day, I just go with it (is that too much of a confession?).  My panties are nasty gross and several even have holes in them. 

I guess I should splurge and go to Victoria Secret or something.  But considering that I am starting from scratch, I can't stomach the sticker shock.  And I really want to know if these fancy panties -- the low-ride hip-huggers, the lacy see-through things, the thongs (yuck!), the french-cut bikinis -- I really want to know if these are supposed to be comfortable.  Are they to "normal" women?  Because they aren't to me!  Even when I go out and get my real size as opposed to the one size smaller that I ALWAYS buy just because I can't wear an 8 (and somehow a 7 is acceptable).  They are just NOT comfortable. 

I have always been curious about other girls' panty drawers.  What would I find there?  Am I abnormal or not?  My entire panty drawer is full of nothing but cotton, flower designed, period panties.

Confession over. 


Jenn said...

This post cracked me up!!
I am a huge fan of the Victoria Secret hiphugger cotton panties. They are super comfy and you can get 5 pair for $20! Do your hubby a favor and get some new undies!! :-D

Heather Haley said...

I,too, am a fan of Victoria's Secret Cotton Panties. They are cute and comfy and pretty cheap :) For the love of god girl....get some new ones!

Blair said...

Well, I am huge fan of Hanes bikini (you know...the 4 pack kind). No thongs or faincy underwhar here either. I say you're normal. I HATE thongs. LOATHE. ABHOR. Pick your adjective!