Monday, September 8, 2008

Waiting for Wednesday

I've not been doing much of anything these days. I am a bit paralyzed, I suppose. I have a big ultrasound scheduled for Wednesday at 10:10 and I honestly feel as though I can't do anything until that is over.

It's a big one. If there is a heartbeat, then this pregnancy is likely to continue. If we do not have a heartbeat then I am betting a D&C will be scheduled so we can terminate the pregnancy. It's pretty scary. I obviously am hoping with every ounce of energy I have for a heartbeat, but I am trying to prepare myself for the worst.

In all likelihood there will be a heartbeat. In all likelihood, I am going to be having a baby in April/May. These are good thoughts, but I don't want to get too attached to this baby yet.

I'm waiting for Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

Hoping your day is wonderful. Keeping you in my prayers.

A friend who saw your sweet note to me on the Apr 09 board on Ivillage.

Anonymous said...

How did it go??