Tuesday, March 3, 2009

3rd Trimester not a good one so far

Last Thursday night I started itching. BAD itching. So bad that later that night I had broken out into hives all over my body. Next day I call the doctor. He wants to see me later that day. Meanwhile, I had been researching itching during pregnancy and actually came up with some pretty scary things. Damn Google! Itching sounds pretty benign. I mean, in all odds you would just think I came into contact with something that didn't agree with me. Well, the hypochondriac in me just cannot accept that. It has to be something serious.

So I get to the doctor fully expecting him to tell me I'm crazy and to relax and take some Benadryl. Well, he didn't. He actually confirmed my worst fear. He said that what HE was worried about was the exact same thing I had found online: Cholestasis of Pregnancy. I won't go into what it is, but it's very rare. The only real symptom that most people experience is generalized itching all over their bodies. It is not harmful to mommy, but it IS harmful to baby and can result in FETAL DEATH. Yeah, so now you can see why I am panicked. So he did some bloodwork to see if I actually have this. I won't know the results until this Friday.

Not only did I have that to deal with, but I had protein in my urine and an elevated blood pressure (elevated for me at least), plus ketones and leukocytes in my urine too. Doctor said that could be the start of Preeclampsia (ALSO not good for baby!!!). So needless to say, I am simply one huge basketcase since that appointment. I did get the results from some of that bloodwork back on Saturday and the nurse told me it was "basically normal" and that I didn't have Preeclampsia. Well, I should be relieved by that, but I am not. I don't know what "basically" normal means. I will get details on Friday from my doctor. This nurse didn't even know what I was being tested for in the first place and it's like I am asking to talk to God when I ask them to have a doctor call me. That just doesn't happen.

So now I am monitoring my blood pressure. It's normal. And I am testing for ketones in my urine (I have test strips at home. Don't ask...) and those tests have all come up negative. I have since not had any itching either, so that is a good sign too. I am hoping that maybe last Thursday/Friday was just a complete fluke and that everything really is fine. I have gone through countless scares this pregnancy with weird little things happening that later turn up to be nothing. I hope this is one of those times.

But let me just say, the thought of losing my baby girl right now is just terrifying. That simply cannot happen. She has to be OK.

1 comment:

Mommy Boots (formerly KarmaPearl) said...

*HUGS* My goodness. What stress you're under right now, I can't even imagine. You will be in my thoughts.. I am sure everything will be just fine with the baby girl and you, and you'll be meeting her very soon! Keep us updated so I don't worry about you :)