Friday, October 10, 2008


I've had a lot happen in the last several days. I am finally GIDDY about being pregnant.

Early Wednesday morning woke up to cramping, diarrhea and some SPOTTING. Needless to say, I completely panicked. I woke DH and he immediately agreed we'd go to the ER. So we did. I got there at the perfect time...5:30 a.m. Got right in and hardly had to wait at all. The internal exam showed no visible bleeding and a closed cervix, which was a good sign. But the best part of the visit was that they got me in for an ultrasound. WE SAW THE BABY he was measuring at 12 weeks with a heartbeat of 162. I say "he" because the ultrasound tech clearly saw a great picture where the baby's legs were spread wide open and there was definitely a little "thing" between his legs. It was amazing to see the baby moving around. I cried.

So I went to see my ob-gyn yesterday and he confirmed that everything looked great. Apparently, diarrhea can cause UTERINE contractions and I had an irritated cervix so that may be the explanation for the spotting. I haven't had any since, so that's a good thing. My doctor is amazing. He took the time to answer all of my questions (I had a list) and he tried to hear the heartbeat via Doppler. He couldn't find it, so I got another ultrasound. Baby was still there kicking and squirming away. So neat and so cute. I even got a picture this time. :)

Doctor did say that it is definitely way too early to call it a boy. So I have to erase the thought of a boy in my mind. I don't want to get attached to one sex too early.

Later that night I used my own rented doppler to search for the heartbeat and guess what? FOUND IT! I had a feeling I could.

Everything is great. I am happy is an understatement. I am starting to relax a little bit. I am starting to bond with baby. I love being pregnant!! Even though I am sick and tired, I am just elated to be where I am right now. I love maternity clothes, I love that I'm getting a thicker waistline, I love it all.


Anonymous said...

PHEW! I've been checking your blog and hoping for this. Congrats on the good news.

Heather Haley said...

YIPPPPEEEEE! Reading this makes me very very happy!

Unknown said...

Yay! I'm so happy for you :) Now you can start to focus on the fun things like how you'll decorate the room and buying jammies and such.