Thursday, October 30, 2008

Oh man, I rock!

I am getting a thimerosal-free flu shot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am SO RELIEVED. The pediatrician's office will let me get one of theirs. Oh man oh man oh man...


How funny. I spent the ENTIRE day yesterday stressing out over this. And I mean major stress. I researched on the internet all day. I dreamt about flu shots. I cried about it. I couldn't talk about anything other than this to anyone who crossed my path.

And it ended up working out. (Thanks to my hard work and a lengthy search.)

Same thing for child care. My mother is going to watch the baby until s/he is 8 months old. This means we have until next December to find a permanent babysitter/day care. I feel so much better about leaving my infant child with my own MOTHER than a total stranger. And maybe by the time the baby is 8 months old I will feel OK about moving them to the whole day care thing. Plus, that gives us more time to find someone we are comfortable with AND it means that the original babysitter we wanted may end up working out afterall. (As a sidenote, I did not pressure my mother into this. She is insisting that she wants to watch the baby. And I am insisting that I pay her. I am not a spoiled brat--well, I probably am, but I try not to be. I know I am incredibly lucky to have this opportunity for my child. I cannot pass it up.)

So, the lesson that I should learn from these two "stories" is that it will work out and I don't need to get all freaked out from the get-go. I should have more faith in myself and my ability to get things done. It does take work, but I can do it one phone call at a time. ;) How cheesy is THAT?!

I'm sorry. I'm just so damn excited about that flu shot. ;)

1 comment:

Heather Haley said...

That is great news about childcare! Mom's are the best :) Aren't you so excited to be joining their ranks?!?