Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Next Dilemma

The flu shot. Highly recommended for pregnant women. Impossible to find thimerosal-free.

Thimerosal is mercury. It's that preservative they've been adding to vaccines for a long time. It's also controversial. You know...thanks to Jenny McCarthy, this has been put into the lime light in recent years. Autism is on the rise and a lot of parents blame their children's vaccines as pushing them over the edge into Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). It makes sense. But there have simply been no studies that show a link to ASD and vaccinations. It's all just speculation at this point. Kind of a mass hysteria if you ask me. The CDC will tell you that their studies do not link the two and the parents will tell you the CDC is only protecting their own interests.

And as a parent to be, it's kind of hard to know who or what to believe. I tend to lean towards the CDC. I like to think I am an optimist about our government and our country. I in no way believe that there is a mass conspiracy going on about these vaccinations (the government couldn't pull that off even if they were that evil). I truly believe that the doctors and scientists of our country are honestly looking for a specific link to autism. And I believe that they have not found the smoking gun. That's kind of scary.

So what do I do? Do I get the recommended flu shot? I want to. I feel like it is the responsible thing to do. If I do get the flu this season I will probably be in my third trimester. And pregnant women get more complications from the flu. If I get the flu, I could DEFINITELY be putting my child at risk. In fact, I just read that flu exposure in pregnant women is being studied as a link to autism! WTF?! So much conflicting evidence out there...

So here is what I know. If I do not get the flu shot I have a better chance of getting the flu. If I do get the flu, there is proof that it could really cause me some serious problems and possibly even harm the baby. If I do get the flu shot, I could still get the flu, although my chances are obviously lower. I would be exposing my baby to thimerosal, which some people say can be a link to autism. Some people say = they really don't know.

I am opting for the shot. My doctor recommends it. A lot of ob-gyn's require it. But to clear my conscience, I have searched high and low for a thimerosal-free shot. They do make them, but they are impossible to find. In fact, 7 states have imposed legislation that requires pregnant women to be vaccinated with the mercury-free version (not mine, of course). So they are out there. But nowhere near me. I have called TN, IL, IN, and all around KY. My own physican will not order me a thimerosal-free shot. Said they are too expensive (yeah $4 more per shot...oooh!!!).

I have one last call out to a pediatrician's office. They have the shots!! BUT, they will only give them to children 3 and under. I left a message with their office manager asking if they would be willing to give a pregnant woman one of these shots. Technically, my baby is 3 and under. Just not officially HERE yet....We'll see what they say. I doubt they will let me. They will probably recommend I talk to my regular physician about it. Gee, thanks. Already done that.

I am making parental decisions before I even know what the sex of my child is and I am finding that they are very hard. Child care and vaccinations are both really scary things to me. I just don't want to make the wrong decision and regret it for the rest of my life.

The problem is, you don't know if you are making the right decision and you never will. Even if my child ends up with autism, I have no proof that the flu shot I got while pregnant was the cause. No proof at all. I hate going on "faith". I want science. Guess that means I will be going with the CDC and getting my recommended flu shot this year, just as I always do.

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