Thursday, June 12, 2008

Soup Du'Jour

Five things I am grateful for today:

1 - My friend Andi. She's the only LOCAL friend that I have and it's great getting to know her and her family. She has been super helpful to me in my TTC journey. I love my far away friends, but it is so nice to have a friend who resides in the same county as I. Especially since I have such a hard time making friends on my own.

2 - My job and the 5% raise that I am getting this year. I love my low stress job. And although this 5% raise is the lowest I have gotten in about 4 years, it is way more than a lot of people are getting in this poor economy. PLUS, my job is the steadiest thing around. I have no fear of ever getting laid off.

3 - My commute. With gas prices so high I smile every day as I make my way home from work. If everything is timed just right I can get home in 3.5 minutes. I am totally not taking this fact for granted.

4 - My husband. He's been on this crazy cleaning kick lately and I am loving it. And just the other day as I was stressing out over what to wear to Emily's wedding shower that didn't make me look like a beached whale, he said, "You poor thing. Girls have it so hard." How can you not love a boy like that?!

5 - The nap I am gonna take today. Once I have kids, my napping days are over. You better believe I am gonna get in all the naps I can before I get knocked up...and I refuse to feel guilty about them.

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