Friday, February 13, 2009

Valentine's Day Update

So, ever since I posted my "lazy" blog, I decided that it was time to come up with a plan of action. I have pretty much solved all of my laziness problems by coming up with a cleaning list. Each day I have a small cleaning project to do. Monday is cleaning the bedrooms, Tuesday the bathroom and so on... DH is in on it too and really likes the plan. We've done very well the first week. I hope we can keep it up. It just feels better when you have a clean house and a routine that you should be following.

The only thing I haven't solved is my lack of motivation to work out. I have gone on small walks the last two evenings. But I am finding it very hard to carry this big body around. My stomach is pretty heavy and the pressure from the baby on my bladder is quite intense. That makes exercise a little hard. I probably should have just kept it up all alone and it wouldn't be this bad now. Oh well. What's done is done. I am trying to at least get some activity now.

I had an Obstetrician appointment yesterday. I had only gained about 3 pounds since my last appointment, which is great. The month before, I had gained EIGHT. My total weight gain is around 30 pounds now. Yikes...I was hoping to make it out of the pregnancy only gaining 25. Oops. I am measuring 29 weeks, which is perfect since that is exactly how many weeks along I am. The top of my uterus is now only a few inches below my sternum. That means all of my other organs are squished up in my chest cavity. No wonder I am feeling a bit sore! I also had to drink 10 ounces of this glucose drink for my gestational diabetes test (ick!!). I really hope I passed it. I won't know until early next week. I am now to the point where I go see my doctor every two weeks, instead of every four. I am really excited about that. #1 it means that I can get more frequent doses of reassurance that things are progressing as they should be. And #2 that means we are getting closer to meeting Jane! Wow. Just 11 more weeks. Wow wow wow.

This Saturday is Valentine's Day. DH and I will probably go to dinner and a movie. We have done this the last several years and I love it. :) I don't know why I love Valentine's Day, but all of the red, pink, hearts, flowers, balloons etc. really appeal to me. I think it's a visual thing. I always loved giving out the little paper Valentine's in elementary school. The construction paper hearts, the glitter, glue and those conversational hearts...ah. I guess I've always loved V-Day. I can finally admit it. One year, when I worked at Hallmark, I got really into it. I came up with a scavenger hunt for each of my immediate family members. I went all out. I wrote poems with clues in them and they had to go all over the house until they found their presents. That was fun. Wonder where that creativity of mine went to...??
Oh, and one final update on our cat, Butters. We have been locking him up in the utility room at night and he is doing SO WELL now. I can't believe it! I think all he needed was repetition and absolutely NO responses, good or bad, to his meows. He very may well get to meet Jane. I am in awe of how well he's doing. The last two nights we put him in the room he didn't even try to get back out but went immediately to his bed on the floor. Kind of funny how my problems tend to not be problems at all and eventually things just work out.

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