Sunday, March 2, 2008

I Let the Boat Do Most of the Work

I'm so proud. Right after my last post I took a walk. Big deal, right? Well, it is. Obviously, I've been way to zoned in on myself lately. At the beginning of the walk, I noticed that I started to feel a bit shaky. I started to get a little of that depersonalization that happens with panic attacks. You know, where you sort of start to feel like things are just sort of unreal and separate from yourself. I get that a lot when I start to feel anxious. But instead of taking those feelings and running with them, I calmed myself down. I really did. It was a true test of brainpower and I overcame. Hallelujah! I just told myself that these feelings would pass and that my brain was trying to provoke the fight or flight response. My increased heart rate and increased oxygen levels that I was experiencing just from starting to walk reminded my brain of the same feelings I get when I am anxious. Thus, the problems started to snowball. I was afraid of having another panic attack because of the symtpoms I was experiencing. But this time I knew what was happening and I could control it. Well, I didn't really control it, I just waited it out, really.

"I let the boat do most of the work." Bob Wiley

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