Friday, March 14, 2008

The Results Are In

My results were normal. He said it was probably my anxiety and that the antidepressants should continue to help. He was very nice and said that my symptoms were real and were not something "in my head". So there world! Ha ha...

And, also I have a pineal cyst in my brain. In rare instances it can grow and cause a problem, so we are just going to do another MRI in 6-9 months to make sure it isn't growing. Mine is asymptomatic though, so that's good.

Pineal cysts are benign (non-cancerous) fluid-filled sacs located in the region of the brain that contains the pineal gland. Small pineal cysts (.5 cm or smaller) are common occurrences, often found incidentally on routine neurological exams. Small pineal cysts rarely cause symptoms (asymptomatic).

So, now I'm left in good health waiting to ovulate.

Exciting times!

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