Thursday, July 10, 2008

Another 2ww

I'm feeling pretty despondent today about getting pregnant. This is our fifth month of trying. And not just TRYING, but timing everything perfectly and doing everything right. One of the books I have says that if after 4-6 months you still aren't pregnant, you should see a doctor. This is scary. This means that something might be wrong. I have 2 more chances before I've got to make that appointment.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let this be my month. Please!

Now all I can do is wait. TWO WEEKS. AGAIN. Ugh. It takes so long! And my hormones in this time frame do horrible things to me.

I'm sad.

1 comment:

Mommy Boots (formerly KarmaPearl) said...

I think I'm in the 2WW with you. I think I ovulated Thursday, though I'm just not sure. This is my first month temping, and I'm all sorts of confused. I hope that this is your month.. I will keep all fingers crossed for you!!!!