Thursday, July 10, 2008

Every Woman for Herself

So, you go to great lengths to look good. You fret over what you are going to wear to work. Is my pantyline showing? My pants are so tight! My arms look huge in this.

You try on tons of clothes. Nothing fits right. Everything pulls at your hips. You try countless different brands of make up. You burn your hair with a straightening iron. You wear heavy and uncomfortable earrings. Your shoes are NOT made for walking.

And you know what? Nobody cares. Nobody notices you anyway! Everybody else is too worried about how THEY look themselves.


I got a haircut today and nobody noticed. It wasn't drastic, but I think it is pretty noticeable. It's quite a bit shorter and I now have bangs. And nobody noticed. I don't know why this bothers me but it does. I mean, what am I so worried about? I want to look nice, but for whom??

I am all wrapped up in how big my hips are compared to other skinny and perfect bodied friends of mine (you know who you are) and for what? Nobody is looking at me!! Why do I care so much?

I'm highly annoyed. Like I said before, I can't really place why, but nevertheless...where are the gay guys when you need them to notice your new do?

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