Monday, July 21, 2008

Weight Loss

So I have gone to and have found that they have a pretty good site for entering your daily food intake. It's quite similar to Weight Watchers, but it's FREE.

As of today I am on a diet. Or maybe I should say "lifestyle change". Ha ha...yeah right. We all know that is a load of crap. In order for me to lose 2 pounds per week I have 1200 calories to eat in a day. Not much, but it corresponds to WW pretty well.

So today I did good. 1100 calories. Normally I would eat that remaining 100 calories but I am not feeling well, so I am gonna take the decreased hunger while I can get it. I know it doesn't happen to me often.

I am really hoping to lose at least 2 pounds the first week so I can stay motivated. I know the weight loss will slow after that, but I really NEED that immediate payoff if I am gonna stick with it. The last time I did WW it really didn't work. I did everything right and nothing happened (ha...sounds like other things in my life right now). I think I lost a total of only 2 pounds in a month. And I know that is supposedly reasonable. I am not trying to break any records. But still....come on.

Working out is not a problem for me. I go to the gym and do strength training 2-3 times a week and I walk 2-3 miles 3-4 times a week too. So I think that I've got that part covered. Besides, working out never really helped me to lose weight.

So here goes. Let's see how I do.

1 comment:

Mommy Boots (formerly KarmaPearl) said...

You can do it! If I can, anyone can. I've slipped a LOT in the past two months with my diligence in tracking my nutrition, and working out. But I dropped 20 pounds. You honestly, truly can do it. If you can, find yourself a buddy. It really really helps with those days where you just can't find the motivation!!!

You truly can do anything you set your mind to. I know it's cliche, but I believe that with all my heart.