Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wordy Wednesday

I've been following a lot of new mommy-blogs lately and I am amazed that there is this whole blogging world out there that I had no idea about.  People are "branding" themselves and their blogs as some sort of marketing/media thing.  I find that weird.  There are buttons, contests and give-aways, reviews and post-themed days (Wordless Wednesday seems to be a popular theme)...  A lot of these blogs are very good, funny and insightful.  I love glimpsing into others lives and finding where we are the same (and often very different).  I'm amazed at how witty your "average mom" can be.  There are some really good writers out there!

Anyway, now that I've come across this mommy-blogging world, I was at first tempted to join in and market myself.  Get as many followers as I could.  Do my own button.  Get my own "brand". 

But then again...nah...I guess I will just stay as is.  I was never one to join in on things. 

I'm pretty sure posting multiple posts a day, as I often do when I am at work, is not proper blogging etiquette.  So I apologize to the blogosphere and the handful of people who read my blog.  I have never told many of my friends about my blog (only the ones I really like), so there is something freeing about being able to type what you want.  This is my diary, but you also have the added bonus of other people (many whom you do not know IRL) reading.  So you sort of feel like someone out there is listening to you.  It kind of validates your feelings in a way.  It's a good release.  And since I am not exactly a private person, I don't mind sharing pieces of myself this way.

You will never see any reviews or give-aways or theme-days on my blog.  But I'll keep on posting my little posts and rants and brags and enjoy myself thoroughly, thankyouverymuch. 

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