Monday, August 25, 2008

Further Proof

Well, I had my first appointment with my new ob-gyn today. I was so nervous, but he really calmed my fears. He's also pretty good looking, so that doesn't hurt. Lucky for me, I am not one of those girls that gets all freaked out by him being "down there". I've never had any problems with that kind of stuff...heh heh...

So he could obviously tell that I was a complete worry wart and he offered to do an ultra-sound right there on the spot. I was so excited. We saw the gestational sac and the yolk sac (yes, I'm a hen), which is measuring right on target at 5 weeks. I am quite relieved to see that it is not an ectopic pregnancy and that everything is measuring right where it should be.

I go for my first "real" ultrasound on September 10. This is when we will hopefully see a heartbeat. This is the big hurdle for me. I think that if I see a heartbeat I will relax a little bit. Your chances of miscarrying AFTER seeing a heartbeat, are very slim. (Although I know of WAY too many women who this has happened to, and I simply cannot fathom how horrible that would be.)

But he said my progesterone levels were through the roof (good) and that my hCG was doubling and also at a great level (also good). HOWEVER, my numbers were good last time too and look what happened. Gosh, it's hard to ease the fears of someone who has been through a miscarriage. I don't know if it can be done.

So you'd think I'd feel better after a reassuring appointment. Even Dr. Wainwright told me to just relax and enjoy it because everything looks completely healthy. Nope. I'm even more scared now. I just can't be soothed.

But, yeah, I will admit that I am a little bit excited despite myself. And until September 10, I will be a basketcase.

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