Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Is this for real?

I'm still in a bit of a daze. I still don't FEEL pregnant. I still keep running to the bathroom in a panic thinking there will be blood. And it feels like a year ago when I found out I was pregnant. Nope. Only 1 week and 5 days. WHAT?! Only 1 week and five days?! That doesn't seem right. If I make it out of this pregnancy with a live baby in my arms it will be a true miracle. As of right now it feels as though I will die of a panic attack before I even make it to the first true ultrasound.

Actually, I am not freaking out as much as you might think. I am constantly sorta worried, but being pregnant after a miscarriage kinda does that to you. Today I went to lunch with our auditors from work and, of course, didn't mention anything of my pregnancy. Well, when I got back from lunch I started freaking out because I hadn't been thinking of being pregnant. I feel like if I am not thinking about it 24/7 then it isn't real or it will end.

Not very rational.

But I am having some good "symptoms" I guess. Heartburn, fatigue (this is so normal so I don't know if fatigue really counts), sore breasts, moodiness (aka wanting to slap my husband for no real good reason other than it would feel really good), and some other things I won't mention (you're welcome). Still no real morning sickness, although I feel generally yucky from time to time. Of course, even when I am not pregnant I feel yucky quite a bit. That's part of being a hypochondriac. OMG, pregnant and a hypochondriac. This is gonna be a long 9 months....

And yeah I am rambling, but it is 2 p.m. and I am literally seconds away from falling asleep on my keyboard. I need something to keep me awake and I just can't concentrate on work in this state.

OK. This took 10 minutes. Now what do I do with the next 2 hours and 19 minutes of my day? I am SO taking a nap when I get home from work.


Anonymous said...

Hey sister - I'm on the same timeline as you, got pregnant really recently, just saw the ob-gyn for the first time yesterday. I'm addicted to your blog because you keep writing about stuff that I'm thinking! Keep writing, I've bookmarked you, can't wait to see what you're going to say next. Thanks for doing the blog, it's keeping me sane, believe it or not!

Heather Haley said...

This absolutely cracked me up. That kid better appreciate what they have already put you through :)