Tuesday, January 26, 2010

10 Reasons Why Co-Sleeping is Swell

  1. In the event of fire, grab Jane and run. 
  2. Good excuse not to have sex.  I can't.  We'll squish Jane and kill her!
  3. Lower heating bills.  That girl is a little furnace!
  4. I get in my snuggle time.  She can't push me away when she's asleep.  Ha ha!!!
  5. Night nursing.  It's gonna happen.  Might as well not get up for it.
  6. I can indulge in my obsessiveness and check a million times if she's still breathing.  (She always is.)
  7. I'd rather be woken up by Jane poking me in the eyes and smiling at me than by an alarm clock any old day.
  8. I can keep my sanity instead of torturing myself listening to her cry all night. 
  9. There has to be some great endorphins released into my body just by being near her.  I can feel the goodness of her all night.  Surely I am offering some of that back to her.
  10. She's really cute.  And she smells good.

1 comment:

Blair said...

I love this list and I totally agree!