Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I Take That Back aka My Stance on Motherhood

In a prior blog entry of mine I wrote the following:

Am I gonna be one of those annoying soccer moms? Is my personality going to change when my child is born? I sure hope not. Because to me, there is nothing more annoying than those mothers who think that they are something special simply because they've given birth. They think their children are somehow special and better than the rest, when really they are just like every other little brat on the face of the planet. Uh oh...I am not sure that I really like kids. Or their self-righteous parents. Surely I will love my child, but I sure hope I don't forget to talk about other issues I am passionate about. I hope I will still have opinions on things other than the Disney Channel and the local school system.
And just the other day I said to my mom as we were taking Jane on a little trip to the grocery store:

Mothers with children who can't walk yet should be allowed to park in the handicapped spots.  (In my defense it was super snowy and slippery in that parking lot.)
HA HA HA HA HA.  Yeah, I've changed.  Yes, I'm special because I had a baby.  Yes, Jane is "better than the rest".  And now I even see other people's children and feel affection for them.  I feel love for all children and I even said that aloud the other day as my eyes teared up (what???). 
Now I will insert an excerpt from The Female Brain by Louann Brizendine, which my mother sent to me and really resonated with me simply because, OMG it's so true:

“Motherhood changes you forever,” my mother warned me. She was right. Long after my pregnancy, I’m still living and breathing for two – glued to my child, body and soul, by an attachment stronger than I ever thought possible. Motherhood changes you because it literally alters a woman’s brain – structurally, functionally, and in many ways, irreversibly.


Sini Abraham said...

absolutely agree with you! I went thru the same 'before' and 'after' as you did.. and now I can't imagine my life outside of Michelle. Although, I am determined to blog about my life in general (which is mostly concentrated on my baby)... we are special - we carried and gave life to a special/unique baby...

Tracy said...

What a beautiful quote. As a new mom in the throes of that irrevocable change and that deep love for my child and all other children, I truly appreciated your post today. :)

Roby said...

love your blog!!!!