Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Haiti Relief Fund

Please donate.  The stories coming out of Haiti are breaking my heart.  I was caught off guard by a story on the Today Show this morning and have been weeping ever since.  They showed a little Haitian girl who had lost her mother. Every time she saw a woman she would cry and reach out to them out of confusion and loss. I know this is just the tip of the iceberg and that there are so many more stories like this.   I can't bear to watch the coverage anymore.  It's devastating.

I know we all feel so helpless but you can donate your money.  Nearly everyone in America has $10 to spare.  Imagine if your child were left alone to fend for themselves in a country as poor as Haiti.  Many people have not had food or clean water to drink since the earthquake first hit.  Donate NOW!

American Red Cross


Marshmallow Circus said...

I saw the same story. It is just awful, and words are not adequate to describe what is going on there. :(

Unknown said...

Thanks for posting, Marie. Just donated. It's always awful to see someone in pain but now that I'm a mother, there's an intense, overwhelming reaction I have if I see or here of a child that has suffered or is suffering. You end up putting your own child in that situation and it's 100 times worse. It makes me want to adopt a child tomorrow!