Monday, January 18, 2010

MLK Day and can't think of a better title than that

So, I am working on MLK Day.  No one else is in the office.  It's kind of nice.  I have an hour to go and I have already completed everything I can do today.  So I guess it's on to writing a new blog. 

Hm, a second ago I had a topic but now I forgot.  Foggy brain.

Today was week 4 of my mass dose of Vitamin D.  I hope it's helping.  I really can't tell if it is or not.  I guess maybe I do feel better.  My muscles aren't hurting and spasm-ing at night anymore.  I do still have the crazy hip pain but the chiropractor is a miracle worker and I swear I am almost convinced that he has cured me.  Or that I am well on my way to being "cured"...again.  There were a few months in late summer where I was completely pain free.  It was after I had seen this chiropractor and also coincided with the months that I got the most sunlight so I really don't know if it was due to the chiropractor or getting more Vitamin D.  I guess I won't know this time either.

Yesterday my mother-in-law was supposed to come visit us and stay a week or so.  She is a classic agoraphobic.  Bailed on us.  AGAIN.  I am pretty angry.  My husband traveled all the way to Nashville and had planned on picking her up the next day on his way back.  He was sure she was coming or else he wouldn't have made this trip down there.  She sent him a text message in the morning saying she couldn't come.  Classic MIL behavior.  She is such a flake.  You can't count on her for anything.  It's infuriating.  She has done this to us countless times.  And her reasons are always lies.  Obvious lies.  What bothers me is that it just broke my husband's heart.  She hasn't seen Jane since she was born (unless you count the 10 minutes she saw her around Christmas).  My husband wants to share Jane with his mom.  He wants her to see our sweet baby girl.  But she just keeps postponing her visit to see us.  Oh well.  It really is her loss.  Jane will not know her paternal grandmother.  I certainly won't be talking about her much and Jane won't see her ever, apparently.  It's just sad that my husband doesn't get to share his joy at having Jane in our life with his own mother.  She has disappointed him pretty much his whole life.  Don't know why it would change now....

Tomorrow I am getting my Mirena IUD removed and I couldn't be happier.  I had that damn thing put in on 9/28/09 and I haven't stopped bleeding since.  Not just spotting here or there.  I am talking full blown Day 2 of Your Period Bleeding.  I am so through with it.  It is no wonder that it is a good birth control method.  If you are bleeding heavily for months you don't feel up to having sex very often.  No sex = no babies.  Now my future birth control method will be condoms, a little bit of NFP and luck.  If I get pregnant again it won't be a disaster.  I am just sick of taking pills or putting foreign objects in my body for birth control.  I want to be as nature intended for a while.  See how my body likes that.  Hell, I may actually start feeling better if I stop bleeding out continuously. 

OK.  It's 4:00.  I am supposed to stay another 30 minutes but I can't take it anymore.  It's creepy being in this building all alone.  I am out of here. 

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