Monday, September 17, 2007

Dog, no dog, dog, no dog

OK. We tried it. We really did. We gave it our best shot. Buckley is no more. Poor dog. We took him in for the weekend and found out that we are not meant to be dog parents. He is back at the LIFE House today awaiting another adoption. Dogs are so much work, and my instincts always told me that this wasn't going to be the best idea. But DH really seemed to want a dog, so I went with it. Next time I may speak up a bit more. It's just not fair though...I do have my 3 cats and DH never wanted them in the first place. He should be able to have a dog if he wants one. But he doesn't and I don't and I am relieved.

When your instincts tell you something, it is often best to listen.

Lesson learned.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I don't feel like I deserve to have a dog, either. they deserve more care than I can muster. As for cats, my feeling is I will care for them as well as I can, and if it's not good enough, they are just lucky not to be "on the street." But dogs are a whole 'nother story.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.